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Wednesday, February 22

Tips to Overcome Your Own Notebook Often Off

Notebook or laptop you like to die alone? those of you who read this article must be or havebeen experiencing this problem. I too have experienced this before, now it STILLallhamdulillah still experience it too. Wkakaka .. but this article certainly made ​​becausethere is a way out .. all roads lead to Rome, many ways to overcome the problem, finally I do not like the notebook turns itself off again now. And I did just outsmart only (if not deadcontinue to play every game heheh)

How do I gan?

Actually this is a weird way but very practical and reasonable cost plus wkwkwk course,would be promoted if 97% of men who experience this problem would use it, what arefriends of students:

Do it like the picture above the 100% guarantee your laptop will not die suddenly like someone had a stroke:-D
^ ^ ^ ^ I have to prove
Overheating that led to the demise of your notebook can handle in a way like the picture above, remember. As the figure above do not put the fan facing up, toward you, whatnotebook back to you:-D
The reason why it could happen overheating itself there are different kinds, one of whichoccurred because of the fan in the notebook is not working properly (you shouldmemerikasakan your notebook computer to the nearest doctor if you experience this). The first notebook you will quickly heat and then die and this will take place continuously if notsoon be overcome.
Which will be felt more annoying when your notebook is in use to play games.
Loh how come?
Yahh can, because while playing the game the notebook will work 3 times harder thannormal usage.

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